
Travel Blogger Svitlana Kyrychek - about the top of the world

The mountain ranges with the highest points are called the top of the world. But Travel Blogger Svitlana Kyrychek, speaking of the top of the world, does not mean mountains at all. The North Pole is the "highest" northern point of our planet. The expedition to the North Pole is considered one of the most exclusive, challenging, and exciting in the whole world. And this is no coincidence: since ancient times, people have sought to penetrate the heart of the Arctic - the North Pole, but few people managed to get to the "Top of the World." Travel Blogger Svitlana Kyrychek decided to talk about this fantastic place and the expedition there. The North Pole is one of the most amazing places on our planet. Just imagine traveling to the Kingdom of Snow and Ice. Here you can take a deep breath of fresh polar air, see rare animals, drifting perennial glaciers, and take unforgettable photos on the "Top of the World" itself. The polar expedition starts to the North P

Start traveling and be happy - Travel Blogger Svitlana Kyrychek's recipe

One of the main goals of travel is visiting new countries and continents, discovering and exploring new territories, broadening one's horizons, and, of course, rest. One hundred thirty-six countries visited by travel blogger Svitlana Kyrychek also brought her a broad palette of positive emotions, world fame, an author's column in a specialized publication, and the status of a top blogger in the field of tourism. Just imagine 136 countries, all seven continents, about 50 cruises, four trips around the world, more than 300 days onboard cruise liners - can envy such an impressive list of travel achievements. The thematic blog of Svitlana Kyrychek is an inspiration for millions of subscribers worldwide. She creates bright and captivating stories about incredible travels, introduces readers to new locations, and expands their travel horizons. Svitlana Kyrychek has always been attracted to distant countries and adventures. She went on international business trips and just on vacati