Travel Blogger Svitlana Kyrychek - about the top of the world

The mountain ranges with the highest points are called the top of the world. But Travel Blogger Svitlana Kyrychek, speaking of the top of the world, does not mean mountains at all. The North Pole is the "highest" northern point of our planet. The expedition to the North Pole is considered one of the most exclusive, challenging, and exciting in the whole world. And this is no coincidence: since ancient times, people have sought to penetrate the heart of the Arctic - the North Pole, but few people managed to get to the "Top of the World."

Svitlana Kyrychek

Travel Blogger Svitlana Kyrychek decided to talk about this fantastic place and the expedition there.

The North Pole is one of the most amazing places on our planet. Just imagine traveling to the Kingdom of Snow and Ice. Here you can take a deep breath of fresh polar air, see rare animals, drifting perennial glaciers, and take unforgettable photos on the "Top of the World" itself.

The polar expedition starts to the North Pole from Murmansk (Russia) on the largest and most modern Arctic nuclear-powered ship. As part of the cruise, travelers reach the North Pole and go through the Arctic waters to the northern point of Russia - the legendary Franz Josef Land archipelago. On Zodiac expedition boats, you can land on picturesque shores, encounter original nature, and view the Arctic from a bird's eye view from a helicopter.

Polar nature is the most amazing, and polar animals are some of the rarest in the world. While traveling to the North Pole, you can see arctic flowers, bowhead whales, beluga narwhals, lazy walruses, seal rookeries, and, of course, polar bears. Moreover, you can go to the rocky shores inhabited by colonies of rare birds.

Svitlana Kyrychek believes that this is one of the unique cruises. It starts in Murmansk, the largest city in the world located above the Arctic Circle. There, travelers board a powerful nuclear-powered icebreaker, which will begin its journey in the waters of the Kola Strait. Once you reach the North Pole, you can fully enjoy the moment. Here converge all the meridians: wherever you look - everywhere the south. It is here that you can make the shortest trip around the world simply by going around the point of 90 ° north latitude.

Further, the route runs to one of the most challenging regions of the Arctic - the Franz Josef Land archipelago. It is easy to meet polar bears here, who feel like complete owners of the Arctic. Out of curiosity, they often come to the side of the ship and allow you to take unique photographs.

The 24-hour polar day allows you to observe animals at any time of the day. In addition to natural resources, Franz Josef Land is rich in the history of the development of the Arctic. You can walk through the places where the brave discoverers of the north went. The first Soviet polar station buildings are well preserved in Tikhaya Bay. Now the base of the Russian Arctic National Park is located here, from where you can send a postcard to your friends from the northern post office in the world. The cruise along the passage of the icebreaker in the Barents Sea towards Murmansk ends. This is how travel blogger Svitlana Kyrychek ends her story about this unique cruise trip to the Top of the World.

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